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Enjoyable Activities Catalogue

Activity scheduling is a therapeutic technique designed to help you take care of yourself, boost your mood, and decrease loneliness. These are just ideas; you're welcome to add your activities to this list. The key is to find enjoyable and meaningful activities for you and plan when you will do them.


  1. Read through this catalogue
  2. Pick the activities you like (or get inspired and come up with your own ideas)
  3. Schedule it in your calendar
  4. Enjoy the process when doing it
  1. Spending time in nature (inspiration from Bo Steffan Nielsson: I walk 2-3 jours in the forest.
    With a friend sometimes, but mostly alone to stop thinking too much and just be :))

  2. Walking with your/your friend's/neighbor's dog or cat

  3. Feeding birds or just watching them

  4. Scheduling a day with nothing to do

  5. Watching the clouds drift by

  6. Stargazing or camping under the stars

  7. Gardening

  8. Going out for brunch/lunch/dinner

  9. Going bike riding

  10. Painting your (or someone else's) nails

  11. Buying gifts

  12. Horseriding

  13. Soaking in the bathtub

  14. Sending a loved one a card in the mail

  15. Baking something to share with your family/neighbors/friends/colleagues etc.

  16. Going to the ballet or opera

  17. Going to a spa, sauna, or steam bath

  18. Lighting scented candles, oils, or incense

  19. Going to a movie

  20. Fantasizing about the future

  21. Playing volleyball

  22. Spending time alone

  23. Playing board games

  24. Having a warm drink

  25. Playing Frisbee

  26. Wine tasting

  27. Sketching, painting

  28. Exercising

  29. Washing your hair

  30. Organizing your wardrobe

  31. Making jams or preserves

  32. Rock climbing

  33. Jogging, walking

  34. Having a video call with someone you haven't seen in a while

  35. Sightseeing in your city or town

  36. Photography

  37. Putting up a framed picture or artwork

  38. Doing something spiritual

  39. Baking home-made bread

  40. Pottery and ceramics

  41. Taking acting or improv classes

  42. Learning to play a musical instrument

  43. Taking food tasting tour

  44. Early morning coffee/tea and reading book (inspiration from Vitaliy Stanyshevskyy: Brewing some tasty coffee and reading a fiction book each morning is a great way to get ready before a busy day.)

  45. Waking up early, and doing everything at a leisurely pace

  46. Doing 5 minutes of breathing exercises

  47. Massaging hand cream into your hands

  48. Taking a ferry ride

  49. Going to a party

  50. Laughing

  51. Joining a choir

  52. Reading fiction

  53. Sewing

  54. Making a gift for someone

  55. Napping in a hammock

  56. Going to a free art exhibition

  57. Planting a terrarium

  58. Attend a live concert

  59. Doing ballet, Zumba, or jazz/tap dancing

  60. Playing tennis/badminton

  61. Talking to or introducing yourself to your neighbors

  62. Traveling abroad, interstate, or within the state

  63. Singing in the shower

  64. Doing embroidery, cross-stitching

  65. Visiting a grandparent

  66. Geocaching

  67. Going on a Segway tour

  68. Eat together with a friend

  69. Learning about your family tree

  70. Practicing yoga

  71. Pilates

  72. Cleaning

  73. Going to a water park

  74. Daydreaming

  75. Knitting/crocheting/quilting

  76. Exchanging emails, chatting on the internet

  77. Going to an amusement park

  78. Picking berries at a farm

  79. Driving a Go Kart

  80. Boxing a punching bag

  81. Going to a gym (inspiration from Yuliia Batrakova: I go to the gym 5 times a week and didn’t know how addictive it would become when the habit was created😁)

  82. Talking to an older relative and asking them about their life

  83. Taking a free online class

  84. Listening to your favorite music (or a classical one)

  85. Making your bed with fresh sheets

  86. Donating blood

  87. Buying books

  88. Meditating

  89. Watching kids play sport

  90. Massage giving or taking

  91. Setting up a budget

  92. Reading poetry

  93. Clearing your email inbox

  94. Writing a positive comment on a website/blog/social media

  95. Building a birdhouse or feeder

  96. Getting a manicure or pedicure

  97. Pampering myself at home (e.g. putting on a face mask)

  98. Watching children play

  99. Going to a community or school play

  100. Making jewellery

  101. Shooting hoops at the local basketball courts

  102. Flying kites

  103. Flipping through old photo albums

  104. Upcycling or creatively reusing old items

  105. Going sailing

  106. Stretching muscles

  107. Maintaining a musical instrument (e.g.

    restringing guitar)

  108. Playing football

  109. Buying clothes

  110. Going to the botanic gardens

  111. Going to a scenic spot and enjoying the view

  112. Going to the speedway

  113. Snuggling up with a soft blanket

  114. Listening to an audiobook

  115. Writing down a list of things you are grateful for

  116. Going fishing

  117. Going to see a live stand-up comedy

  118. Savouring a piece of fresh fruit

  119. Collecting things (coins, shells, etc.)

  120. Training your pet to do a new trick

  121. Walking barefoot on grass

  122. Jumping on a trampoline

  123. Planning a day’s activities

  124. Snorkeling or scuba diving

  125. Planning a themed party with costumes

  126. Creating a pleasurable morning routine (inspiration from Kasper Karup: 20 min movement, 10 min meditation, and breathwork, ending with an ice cold shower 🧊Often a morning walk before my daughter wakes up ☺️ Starting the day from a good place is so crucial)

  127. Playing golf

  128. Watching funny videos on YouTube

  129. Going to the hills

  130. Going for a picnic in the park

  131. Napping in a cozy spot

  132. Skydiving

  133. Doodling

  134. Planning a surprise party for a friend

  135. Drone flying

  136. Putting a vase of fresh flowers in your home

  137. Attend a tech conference

  138. Taking a scenic helicopter tour

  139. Learning a new language

  140. Singing around the house

  141. Dolphin or whale watching

  142. Create a personalized cocktail

  143. Sushi-making class

  144. Having a chocolate fondue night

  145. Cherry blossom viewing

  146. Graffiti painting

  147. Sand sculpture building

  148. Spa day at home

  149. Creating a collaborative mural

  150. Butterfly garden exploration

  151. Tie-dyeing clothes

  152. Escape room challenge

  153. Taking a horse-drawn carriage ride

  154. Playing virtual reality gaming

  155. Visiting an alpaca farm

  156. Visiting a wildlife sanctuary

  157. Ice skating

  158. Glassblowing workshop

  159. Flirting

  160. Riding a motorbike

  161. Having karaoke night

  162. Visiting a museum

  163. Sledding in the winter

  164. Book club discussions

  165. Fireworks watching

  166. Watercolor painting by the lake

  167. Doing science experiments at home

  168. Taking an art history class

  169. Reading a book in a cozy cafe

  170. Watching educational documentaries

  171. Having a pub quiz night

  172. Exploring the cave

  173. Doing crossword puzzles

  174. Attending a community fair

  175. Skiing or snowboarding

  176. Paddleboard yoga

  177. Floating lantern ceremony

  178. Jet skiing

  179. Snorkeling in a coral reef

  180. Sunset beach walk

  181. Cooking a fancy dinner together with someone

  182. Hot air balloon ride

  183. De-cluttering

  184. Sending a handwritten letter

  185. Listening to a podcast or radio show

  186. Boat ride under the moonlight

  187. Patting or cuddling your pet

  188. Re-watching a favorite movie

  189. Doing the dishes

  190. Sitting outside and listening to birds sing

  191. Volunteering at an animal shelter

  192. Going swimming

  193. Doing Sudoku

  194. Working on your car or bicycle

  195. Assembling jigsaw puzzles

  196. Taking calligraphy lesson

  197. Watching boxing, wrestling

  198. Organizing your workspace

  199. Having an indoor picnic

  200. Digging your toes in the sand

  201. Calling a friend

  202. Going hiking, bushwalking

  203. Babysitting for someone

  204. Eating outside during your lunch break

  205. Doing a DIY project (e.g. making homemade soap, making a mosaic)

  206. Telling a joke

  207. Whistling

  208. Building a sand castle

  209. Taking care of your plants

  210. Giving someone a genuine compliment

  211. Watching a funny TV show or movie

  212. Eating something nourishing (e.g. chicken soup)

  213. Origami

  214. Joining a club(e.g.film, book, sewing, etc.)

  215. Doing something nostalgic(e.g.eating a childhood treat, listening to music from a certain period in your life)

  216. Trying new hairstyle

  217. Playing darts

  218. Going to a flea market

  219. Buying fresh food at the market

  220. Giving someone a hug

  221. Buying yourself something nice

  222. Taking a holiday